International connections

Added value for your company
We advise you comprehensively and with many years of experience in all areas of finance. Our interdisciplinary teams and parallel,strategic support make us the perfect partner in this area.
International advice
We provide comprehensive advice on both domestic and foreign investments.
Local experts
We have a close-knit national and international network with national and international experts.
GGI-Practice groups
We are an independent member of one of the world's leading alliances (GGI Group) of indpentent audit, tax consulting, law and management consulting firms.
Intercultural competent
We are where our clients need us because we know that consulting does not end at the national border.
A strong presence in international markets is crucial for medium-sized companies. A prerequisite for successful cross-border activities is a deep understanding of the culture and peculiarities and, last but not least, of the local legal and tax systems in the other countries.

Local experts
To achieve this, FACT gives access to competent experts in each country who are close to us and who speak their language.
We are able to advise on this, whether you are planning to expand abroad, already have a presence there, or simply want to establish new international business relationships.
To ensure all this, FACT is a member of GGI Geneva Group International AG,

GGI is a global alliance of independent accountants, tax and business consultants and lawyers. Since its founding in 1995, GGI has grown into one of the world's largest multidisciplinary alliances and is represented in more than 120 countries worldwide.
Through our membership in various GGI Practice Groups, such as International Tax Law and Auditing, we are in constant exchange with our colleagues in other countries.
We maintain personal contacts with many excellent advisors abroad from our network of recommendations, which have grown over the years and enable us to advise you quickly and efficiently on complex international issues.
GGI is not a network according to article 2 no. 7 APRiLi and § 319 paragraph 1 sentence 3 HGB, because the name GGI is not found as a formative name element in the FACT companies. The name GGI is neither found on the business stationery, nor as a logo on the website or within the scope of other corporate identity measures. GGI is a recommendation association of independent companies in the field of tax consultancy, auditing and legal advice.

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